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Eucalyptus Lemon

Eucalyptus Lemon


Eucalyptus Lemon

Eucalyptus citriodora



Organic-Pure-Medicinal-Highest Qualitiy-Farm-to-Bottle



Although it smells like eucalyptus and lemon oil were mixed together, this is not a blend but a special-created-through-the-perfectness-of nature eucalyptus tree that is called “Lemon Eucalyptus” and has a natural citrus-lemon smell along with eucalyptus. It is unique and special and has many benefits. 


It is particularly good for helping believe in the miracles of collaboration and nature. It is also a wonderful insect repellent and safe way to protect you from bugs and bugs from you. 








Relieves athlete’s foot

Helps with asthma

Helps with shingles

Helps with  dandruff

Helps with sore throat

Helps with bladder/vaginal infection

Addresses fatigue

Helps depression

Helps muscle aches & pains,

Supports the immune and respiratory systems. 

Insect repellant 





General Safety Information:

Be sure to consult both a doctor and ceritfied aromotherapist on how to use this oil.  The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is for educational purposes only, it is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or, diagnose any disease or condition. Nor is it intended to prescribe in any way.   Keep away from eye area. Keep out of reach of children.

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