This training is open to anyone with an open heart + mind. There is no prerequisite or necessary prior experience. Whether you are someone who has been considered "sensitive," "intuitive" or you are just able to "feel" or "know things" or if you some one who is just curious about energy, Reiki or the chakras, this comprehensive training on Energy Work + Reiki will answer all of your questions + give you the tools to not just understand energy but become healthier + more balanced overall for yourself and help others. Giving Energy Work is a skill that is taught and can be quickly learned. It is something everyone has access to and is something anyone can do. Courses can be taken as a group or privately working one-on-one with Shawna. Courses can be taken in studio in San Diego, Imperial Beach, or online live via zoom. You will get the personalized attention you need and work closely with Shawna, a dedicated mentor passionate about guiding yoga teachers beyond the fundamentals of their initial training so they can help the community on bigger levels. Shawna has been a teacher since 2004. She has a BA in Education, BA in Sociology, + MA in Writing + Curriculum Development. She has written over 15 books + manuals. Many teacher training programs hire teachers to teach the programs who are not the author of the training. Shawna is the curriculum developer + author of every training she offers and she personally teaches every training. As a child, her favorite game to play was "school." She used to teach her stuffed animals and now has dedicated her life to education. She is not only a great yoga teacher and owner of multiple successful yoga businesses, she understands people + learning styles + has provided a variety of ways for you to take the training to meet how you learn so you get the most from your education.
Are you a person who learns best in group settings and want to be a part of a community + work with others? Sign up for a group training where you learn with other likeminded people who want to learn more about Reiki + Energy Work. The other students that you meet in the training can be so important to your education, your personal growth and your business if you choose to create one. Group training expand your network and establish a bond with others. We become a family + you gain not only new friendships but new colleagues and people who inspire you in the energy work field.
Trainings can be taken both in person or online. In person trainings are tangible experiences where you met + learn at the studio space. They are designed for those who prefer to learn in person and can get to the space for class.
If you do not feel like waiting for the next community training to start and want to start now or have a specific start date in mind sign up for a private training . Private trainings include you working one-on-one with Shawna. Together you pick the schedule + pace that works best for your education. You can start when feels right + complete the training at a pace that makes sense to you. Private trainings are private for people with busy or unique schedules or those who just learn better in a private setting.
Trainings can be taken both in person or online. Online trainings are offered live via zoom and ideal for those who prefer to learn from the comfort of their own home or on the go. Trainings can also be done in a hybrid fashion both online + in person.
Trust that just as energy works and you will learn in the class, you got drawn to this course for a reason. The experience will be exactly what you need + what you have been asking for regardless of which ever way you decide to take the training, you will feel connected + supported. What set's Shawna's Reiki Level 1 + 2 Facilitator Training apart is not just the depth of he curriculum but the sense of community and support it fosters. She honors your energy and understands learning styles + energies so she can provide the best education for you. In addition, often times people who take this training do not have friends or people in their life where they can talk about energy + these sorts of topics. This community makes you feel understood + heard in this area of life that is often misunderstood or just ignored. As part of this close-knit community and direct focus and attention from Shawna, you will have the opportunity to learn, practice, and help others within a supportive network of those who like to talk about and learn about energy work + all that is related along with your internationally recognized teacher.
Everything is energy, yet most of us neglect our energy body. The energy body works like a magnet and is responsible for what we attract in our lives. It is what is responsible for that feeling of "good luck" or "bad luck." For "why is this always happening to me?" or "wow, life is magic and I can create anything I want." It is connected to our feeling of balance that is related to our mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, collective + financial health. A feeling of lack is connected to an imbalance in the energy body. Having too much energy can feel like anxiety. Having too little energy can feel like fatigue, depletion or depression. This training dives deep into understanding the reality of energy and how it plays a part in your life + the community. It allows you to understand the importance of balancing energy + teaches very simple tools that can be used immediately to make significant changes in your life. This duel certification program teaches you how to give Reiki to + Energy Healing to yourself + others. Reiki is a Japanese form of energetic healing. Learning Reiki is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and the world. Level 1 focuses first on learning how to use energy for your own well being and provides assignments + opportunities to practice this. We then process into Level 2 where the focus is on the collective and how to navigate the energies in the world while helping others who are interested in receiving Reiki. You will graduate prepared with a regular Reiki routine for your own self-wellness and awareness while certified to give Reiki sessions professionally to others. The training cannot be split and Level 1 + 2 must be taken together. Even if you do not want to start a Reiki or Energy work business or give it to others, the Level 2 course will deeper your understanding and expand your practice. It is not required for you to give Reiki or Energy work to others when graduating but practicing this skill in class is necessary for your progression + understanding of the skill.
We are all energy so anyone and anything who is made of energy is invited to take this course. This is the first of a 3 series of certification courses in Reiki and Energy Nedicine. There is no prerequisite. It is open to all. This course lays the ground work for the rest of the series of classes in the Reiki + Energy Work Facilitator Certification because it teaches how to give Reiki to yourself (Level 1) + how to give Reiki to others (Level 2) while preparing you for a mastership course on refining your skills (Level 3) + leading or creating your own certification program and teach and certify others (Level 4).

Includes dissection of the scientific and spiritual component of what Energy is
Shows ways to tangible measure energy using a pendulum and dosing strategies.

Explains how affirmations work physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically
Provides various energy affirmations to balance the chakras
Presents the 5 Reiki Principles responsible for bringing balance to the energy body.
Provides different applications for using affirmations

ncludes energy games in which you can feel, see and describe the energies around you with your eyes closed. Dissects readings energy and the different "claries."

Explains how to give Reiki + energy work remotely to people and places throughout the world.
Explains how to give Reiki + energy work to you (and other's) past to release trauma+ future to release worry.

Includes a deep understanding on the 7 chakras and ways to use mantra, color, food, plant medicine, aromatherapy, and crystals for chakra balancing.

Presents the 3 symbols as channeled from Dr. Ususi.
Shows how to draw them and use their names for self healing, along with other ways of using them for self healing

Includes the importance of shielding yourself when giving a session. Explains strategies and techniques to block unwanted vibrations from coming into your energy field.

Explains how to ethically and righteously run a successful Reiki business free from blockages so prosperity can be attracted into your life.

Includes an in-depth account of when and how Reiki started, how it was created and who is responsible for passing the knowledge down from Reiki Master to your current Reiki Master from Japan to the USA.

Includes understanding the different (and limitless) ways to give yourself Reiki + Energy work for self healing and energy balance.
21-Day Energy + Reiki Commitment for self healing
21-Day Third Cleanse for purity in giving Reiki to others

Includes hands on explanation and experimentation with giving Reiki + Energy Work to others using various Reiki + energy healing techniques.

In this traditional ceremony, you will be united with Reiki and the power of Reiki within your hands will be attuned
A Curriculum That Goes Beyond The Textbook
This comprehensive program takes you on an explorative journey working deeply with yourself + others. In Level 1, you will complete a 21-Day Energy Cleanse where you start a daily ritual giving yourself Reiki daily. This small time commitment will go a long way in both your education + wellbeing. The cleanse is guided but you can complete at your own pace. Weekly check ins will keep you accountable as you create a new + healthy routine. In Level 2, you will complete a 21-Day Third Eye Cleanse. In this cleanse, you will give up something(s) that is toxic to your energy and invite in something(s) that is positive for your energy. This will not only make you more of a clear channel but help you let go of patterns in your life that do not serve so you can be your best self.
Unique from most trainings, this training also includes opportunities for real-world application through practice on clients though an unpaid internship practicums After the course work is completed, the certification is awarded after completing10 Hours of hands on practicum of giving Reiki + Energy work to others in one-on-one settings or at the Reiki Clinic at Yoga With Shawna or online. These experiences allow you to embody and practice the concepts
discussed in the coursework, preparing you to give sessions confidently.

Energy cleanses are transformative + powerful. Part of this certification asks you to look at yourself + the energies in your life. It gives awareness to what you attract and what vibe you hang out. It challenges you to rewrite unhealthy patterns + release negative energies. It also opens your eyes to learn more about yourself. You will employ 2 energy cleanses that positively affect your wellbeing while teach you how energy work + Reiki really work first hand.
Cleanse 1: 21-Day Energy Cleanse. The purpose of this cleanse is to:
gain a daily ritual using Reiki + Energy
understand yourself + energy + from here "prescribe" yourself things to do to stay balance
document your Reiki + Energy journey of self healing so you
expand your understanding of Reiki + Energy through first hand experience
Cleanse 2: 21-Day Third Eye Cleanse. The purpose of this cleanse is to:
protect yourself from negative energy
become more pure in energy, mind + body
let go of at least one thing that drags you down
invite in healthier energy habits in your life
deepen your understanding of Reiki + Energy work
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This training supports + encourages you to bring what we discuss out into the world. This educational internship experience will have you giving Reiki + Energy Work to others with the guidance of your teacher. The internship allows you to bring the teachings to life + understand how to give Reiki + Energy Work to others confidently + competently. The internship provides practice to:
give Reiki + Energy work other like-minded students in your program or graduates of the program
at the 5-star rated Reiki Clinic at Yoga With Shawna
through long distance sessions remotely
You will also be able to receive as you will be given free Reiki sessions at the Reiki Clinic through your Reiki Master.
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This is an official, multi-accredited certification.
International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP)
Internationally Accredited 50 Hour Yoga Alliance (YACEP)
Board Certificated through The American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners (AANWP)
Board Certification by the AADP (American Association of Drugless Practitioners)
Course is a part of 1000 HOURS Holistic Health Practitioner Program but can be taken a separate certification.
Course led by founder of Yoga With Shawna, Yosemite Yoga + Wellness, Desert Dimension, San Diego Yoga Festival + The Holistic Health Institute of San Diego, Shawna Schenk who has over 20 years of teaching experience, two Bachelor Degrees, one Master's Degree + over 25,000 hours of yoga teaching experiences + certifications

the unique offerings of this training
There are many reasons + excuses you can give yourself to not do a training: that you are not worthy, good enough, or you can't because of *fill in the blank with the reason here.* If you have gotten this far down on the website, you are not only interested but committed. You are ready. Growth can be uncomfortable. Doing new things can be uncomfortable. There are so many other things to do with your time + money. Trust you have been brought to this training for a reason. Know Shawna (who has taken many, many trainings and continues to yearly) will be your cheerleader routing you along your journey. You can do this + you are ready.
Shawna has been a teacher since 2004, has a BA in Education, BA in Sociology + MA in Writing + Curriculum Development. . She is invested in your education and works directly and closely with each of her students throughout the training (and far after) because she cares. She uses her experience in owning multiple businesses and teaching skills to reach the needs of multiple learners so they get the most out of their education.
The training will break through blockages + things in the subconscious so you can be your best self + work with others. It is empowering and therapeutic + your self understanding + wellness will increase deeply.
We have various payment plans to meet your financial situation. This training also helps you establish a healthy relationship with money + invite abundance in teaching that when you invest in your health + value its worth, more comes to you.
The training speaks for itself with countless 5 star reviews + testimonials on google a + voted "best of" in various Southern California blogs, readers, newspapers + magazines. Shawna has certified over a thousand students throughout the world in various holistic health trainings + puts her all in every training.
This is not a robotic or cookie-cutter Reiki training. It is personal, intimate and meets you where you are at. It provides the tools to self examine + growth. It provides the space for you to learn + understand. It provides opportunity to practice. training training: Shawna cares about you, your wellbeing, growth + education + is here for your success.
We are all put here for a reason: start helping others in deeper ways and continue to support the purpose and direction of your life through acts of service. This training gives you exclusive opportunity to inter at the Reiki Clinic + help others with the guidance of your teacher. This not only helps your education but plays a part in makng a difference in other's lives.
If you are ready, you can enroll now in a private training and we will create a schedule + graduation duration that is doable for us both if a community training is not available or just prefer this style of education.