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Half Full Moon
Half Full Moon


When we use the wisdom of what is happening above us and sync our energy to the energy of that of the Universe's, below, here on Earth, we become aligned and are able to live easier because we are flowing in harmony. When you live in alignment with the moon, you can use its energy to enhance + improve your life. The moon is ever changing everyday shedding different levels of light and energy down on the Earth. It affects all things on earth from the oceans to the trees to the bugs to the emotions of every person on the planet. 


The moon is a beautiful teacher. It teaches us when to create, manifest, reset and start again. When you work with the moon and its energy it brings great rewards. Many people are out of sync with the moon cycle. The Moon Box helps bring lunar alignment so you feel centered and balanced.  


The different phases of the moon affect each person psychologically, physically, mentally, energetically and emotionally.  There are 8 lunar phases as the moon goes  every 27-29 5 days. The Moon Box combines the wisdom of the moon and plants to create a ritual you can do to work with the moon and live in harmony. 


Because the moon provides so much to learn about, The Moon Box is breaking it down to be simple + accessible grouping the 8 cycles into the 4 primary phases: new moon, waxing moon, full moon + waning moon. Each primary phase, energetically, lasts about 7 days.


How to use The Moon Box: Each phase has one pure, organic, medicinal essential oil blend to honor the phase. Use the blend that correlates with the cycle during the 7 day period. Read about the cycle, use the teachings of the plants, and be aware of your actions + energies during this time. 

Special note: To keep it simplistic we are being approximate with our days + directions.  Use a moon calendar to follow the dates of the cycle exactly. The moon has much to teach. The Moon Box sets a foundation and from here you can dive deeper.

 Wild Mint + Lime
Use days 1-7 in the moon cycle
Organic | Reiki Infused | Hand Poured During the New Moon 

New Beginnings | Fresh Start | Intention Settings | Clarity + Focus  | Making Wishes 


The new moon is the time for new beginnings and a fresh start. This blend is to be used the first 7 days of the moon cycle to get clear on a goal, accomplishment or dream you would like to fulfill this month.  The dark sky has little to no light from the moon and so what is visible is the stars: this is the most perfect time to make a wish. The new moon phase of the lunar cycle is the time to start something new. The moon, in this phase, looks like a seed buried deep underground. Every day more light starts to peak out. Just as a seed emerging into a plant begins to grow, the energy of the new moon grows shedding more light on earth every day. Each day, the wish you made becomes more and more a reality. 


Wild Mint is a powerful, attention grabbing, strong, oil (the strongest mint on the planet!) that wakes you up and helps you see clearly. Lime is an inspiring, remind yourself you can do anything, vibrant oil that helps let go of what doesn’t serve you and become the fruits of your labor. Blended together they are a team bringing clarity of what you want and drive to set the intention to put it in fruition. 


Directions: During the first 7 days of the moon cycle, use this blend with intention. Make a wish or set a goal for the moon cycle ahead. Breathe in the smell of the oil as you visualize this wish or goal coming to fruition.  Diffuse the oil, rub a few drops of it on your feet or hands and/or add a few drops of it to carrier oil and massage on your body daily. As you breathe its aroma and feel its energy, let it guide it towards getting clear on the intention you want to and what you’d like this new cycle to look like for you. 

This blend is about manifestation and finding clarity on how you would like feel, be, or what you would like to do this moon cycle. 


Tip: Journal throughout this experience to document your experience with the plants + the moon. Start with a journal about a wish or goal you want to achieve. Let the New Moon Blend awaken the drive on how to do this!


Special note: There is a new moon every 28 or so days, so try to focus on one goal or wish a moon cycle and also remember if you do not achieve your one goal or wish this moon cycle, you can start again the next cycle. The moon is always there for you in that way.


Lemongrass + Ginger
Use days 14-21 in the moon cycle

Organic | Reiki Infused | Hand Poured During the Full Moon 

Celebration | Intuition  | Brightness   | Success  | Control of Emotion | High Energy

The full moon is the time for the greatest light in the night’s sky! It shines brighter than most stars and works as the illuminating  force to help feel your feelings and trust your intuition. This bright yellow formulation brings the bright light of the moon into your energy. The Ginger + Lemongrass work together to  help you to feel grounded, cultivate healthy boundaries, grow freely with your emotions while feeling both uplifted and calm. 


Directions: This is a great time to meditate with your blend  (either putting it directly on you or smelling it as aromatherapy (or both!). The full moon is our most intuitive time so sit with yourself in quiet and listen. Your intuition is heightened right now and the oils in this blend help with trust  so trust yor gut and listen to how it is guiding you to use the blend. The plants in this blend will help you hear what you need to hear to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Remember the analogy given about the new moon as a seed buried under ground. Each day that seed grew with more and more light. The full moon period is where there is the most light in the sky: this is your time to shine. How far have you come with your goal? How can you celebrate your accomplishments?


  • Moon bathe! Sit under the full moon with your oil and soak in its bright light

  • Trust your intuition this time of the “moonth.” Allow it to speak louder than your emotions.

Now that the moon cycle is over....

Now that the moon cycle is over, repeat again.You are encouraged to use the moon’s energy to help guide your energy as best as you can. When you sync up with the moon, magic happens. Your intuition expands as well.  It may take a few moon cycles to get you all synced up (and throughout the years you may lose this connection and need to build it again). Each cycle is a new opportunity to get connected with nature and yourself. 


 Start with a new intention or use the intention you set this past month and keep working on it. Sometimes things take time. Let the oils + the moon talk to you on how they want to be used throughout the cycle. The moon honors creativity and illumination so get creative with this process and these oils; let their teachings shine through you. Remember, too, the plants in each bottle, once grew under the moon’s light + ever shifting energy just as you are today. 

Sweet Basil + Clary Sage

Use days 7 to 14 in the moon cycle (the first quarter of the moon cycle)
Organic | Reiki Infused | Hand Poured During the Waxing Moon 

Creating | Doing | Growing |

Being Inspired + Passionate

The moon waxes the next (approximate)  7 days of the moon cycle.. Every night: little by little, the moon is showing more of its BRIGHT face.  This brings a lot of positivity, inspiration, and energy on to Earth. Use this period to put your goal into action. You have a plan, so do it. The energy is strong at this time so it is a time for doing. 


The moon has such a huge impact on the waters of everything on Earth. Being that our body is around 60% water, and water rules emotions, the moon affects our emotions. Clary Sage is a wonderful oil to balance our emotions and help us develop emotional intelligence. This is why she is so perfect to use in this cycle. Combined with Sweet Basil, which is nurturing and awakening to help understand our inner needs, wants and gifts, this blend will keep you clear headed and driven during the next phase of the moon cycle which is reflective of moving forward with your goals. 


Directions: This part of the moon cycle is about movement, creation, growing, and doing. Put your plan to action and watch as the moon begins to bring more and more light to the sky which brings more and more energy into the Earth making it easier to create and do. The need for making wishes lessens as they start to become a reality.  The blend of plants in this cycle’s bottle inspires and gives you the push you need to get moving forward on creating the things you want in your life. There are so many ways to use the oil this cycle: Let your imagination guide you: there are no rules. Here are some ways to use it :

  • Make a spray with this oil blend by adding a few drops in water in a glass spray bottle and spray the bottle throughout the day to keep you inspired. 

  • Rub a few drops in your hair and ask for guidance on how to move forward with your goal 

  • Rub a few drops on your feet and visualize yourself walking forward to your goal

  • Diffuse the oil in the air throughout the day to bring an uplifting and bright energy that inspires you to accomplish your goals


Mandarin + Frankincense
Use days 21-28 in the moon cycle

Organic | Reiki Infused | Hand Poured During the New Moon 

 Rest | Reflection | Relax | Realize

The Waning Moon is not a good time to GET OUT THERE AND GET GOING or start something new. It is a time of learning, inward reflection and  introspection. The end of the cycle now the sky is getting darker and darker as the moon’s light is slowly going away. This is the energetic time to receive. Allow all the hard work you did  to now rain on you. This blend was formulated to help you relax, observe, and find peace. Use it to help you set back and just watch everything fall into place. The waning moon is a good time to take off or plan vacations and just relax. 


Directions: This phase is about being more still and letting things be. This blend will help you relax as the mandarin is hypnotic and the frankincense is stilling. Both speak to the brain and nervous system lulling them to an uplifting and proud space that allows us to smile on our accomplishments but rest and take it easy to replenish and feel rejuvenated. Try taking a relaxing bath with a few drops of this oil (note: add Moon Stones to make it even more aligning). Place a few drops on your 


Tip: This is a wonderful time for introspection. What did you learn? How can you receive what you have experienced? Rest up because a new cycle will start again shortly. 

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