If you prefer to practice by yourself without a video here are some free yoga classes you can follow. The flows provide a chant or mantra, breath work and list of poses sequenced in a way to meet a set purpose for wellness. You can print them out or simply follow along with them on your computer or phone. If you have questions on what the poses are feel free to google them or send me an email if you have any questions. Please do not do poses you are not familiar with or do not have experience with and be mindful with your practice. Listen to your body as it is your best teacher, the wisest of all and will tell you what it needs. Listen to it.
Special note to yoga teachers: If you are a yoga teacher (or yoga teacher in training and learning how to write flows) and want to serve with the medicine of yoga at this time but just do not have the energy or the feeling of creativity needed to write a flow, these gifts are from me to you as a means to just spread the love and help one another. Feel free to use the flows to share with your students or others.
These sequences are free, but if you feel inclined to give a donation the money will go towards our YWS scholarship funds for future yoga teachers.