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Sun Sign Tarot Reading

As the sun shifts from protective, nurturing Cancer into flaming and center-of-attention, Leo,

What is instore for us over this next thirty day sun cycle in Leo sun sign?

Knight of Wands galloped into this month’s Sun-Sign-Tarot Reading proudly to tell us all it is time for action and success.

Fiery, king of the jungle Leo is not one that can be ignored, and either is the Knight of Wands. Of the tarot, the King of Wands is the card of fast moving energy: the message of the energy responsible for making thoughts into reality. He is the one you notice because he is the one that makes ideas into things.

If you are planning a project or event or starting something new, know you are supported and much success will be riding into your life: The Knight of Wands asks that you move forward fiercely knowing that you have his direction. The sun in Leo brings the energetic support to help you move forward seamlessly.

Can you feel the intense alignment that is happening here? The Knight of Wands with his yellow shirt covered in the symbol of the fiery salamander with his flaming red plumes from his helmet, all too closely mimic Leo in his fiery flames and main of hair. A life of fow is one of synercricty and Leo and Knight of Wands are powerhouse, energy sources bringing you the same message: GO. MOVE. CREATE.

The Knight of Wands represents the pursuit of an idea. This reading is telling you to commit to any idea you have in your heart or a project you feel is needed in this world: true commitment meshed with movement and energy ensure successful action. The Knight of Wands charges forth with his vision to make things happen: you are encouraged to do the same this month.

This journey through this sun sign is one to be of success: thanks to Leo, we have energy, sun, and momentum on our side these next 30 days, so allow new ideas to move into reality but stay balanced,realistic and enthusiastic. Have faith that when you move from where you are now to where you know you should be, you are galloping on the right path: one that brings great meaning to this world.

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